Monday, August 20, 2007


Height of shower Head
The height of shower head is the most important installation point in shower room, because this installation points is the point that give the influential to the other accessories’ installation point. And another importance of the installation’s height of the shower head is that, the shower room that share between several users with the different height the installation pointed need to be above the head of the highest member that sharing that particular shower room, so that every members that share that shower room will be able to use and wash their head. But by doing this way the difficulty will occur too.

Standard height in personal space.

At shower
The height of shower head is depend on the user needed, because it is the personal concern for the personal space like shower room. For the family used have to be even more concern about different height of each persons and types of shower head and shower arm that need to be suit for all of the member in the family. Most of the family usually locates the shower head above the tallest member of the family. And for the shower valves or mixing valves will always locate near the shower head, so it is easy for the user to find it.
Even though the installation point of the shower head is depend on the height of the user but they are also the standard height that already set for the shower head, which is 69” for adults, 66” for women, and 60” for children.

In the bath tub

The location of shower head, shower controls, bath valves and spout installation is optional, but it needs to be easy to use. However the location of these things needs to be easy for the user to use other the bath tub too. Because sometime users don't want to go inside the bath tub just want to open the valves or used shower head by adjust extension line manually for use shower head outside of the bath tub.

Standard height in public space
And for the public shower space, the shower head need to be higher than the shower head in the personal space, because it needs to cover all the height of every people. So the standard height of this public shower space is 76”.

Use or Not Use the extension line
Some shower head come with the extension line and the function of the extension line is to extend the shower head to spray the particular area of the body. But sometime this extension line is also creating a messy problem. Because some people found this extension line is hard to use and keep it properly.

To solve this problem is the selecting the right type option that can be help and makes the shower head to be the most useful for every user
Every shower have their own identity due to the user, but if the user is more than one or several user sharing the same shower their will have several preferences according to number of users. So choosing the right shower head can help to solve the problem or get more out of the shower.

There are two type of installing options, which is the fixed shower head and handheld shower head.

Shower arm

A standard shower head or sometimes they been called fixed shower head is designed to be connect directly onto the shower arm. There are many type of shower arm such as, standard shower arm, adjustable – height shower arm, and s-type shower arm. For standard type shower arm can’t be adjustable unlike the others two types. The can also be s-shaped to raise the height of your shower, adjustable-height so you can keep your hair dry. The selection of shower arm is due to the purpose and need of the users.

Standard Shower Arm
The standard shower arm is mostly use in public bath and shape can blend up to 45 degree, so different height of user that use the public shower can use it and can adjust the spray pattern of water flow for more suitable with each persons to used. This type is very simple and easy to used, easy to install, not easy to collapse and destroy, and it is cheap

Adjustable-Height Shower Arm
This type of shower arm is suit for family or multi-users which several members of users are share the shower space. So each height that suits each member will no longer be the problem. However, this type of shower arm still has the limitation such as limit of height adjusting.
Adjust the height by pull the shower head down of push the shower head up to follow your activities when you take a bath.

S-Type Shower Arm
If the shower head is just too low and have low water pressure that mean it need the plumber to plumb more water to the shower head. So s-type shower arm is design to raise the height of the shower head up without using a lot of extra plumbing work. Because the s shape of this type will help the water pressure to be increase according to its curve up shape. And this shape also helps to increase the height of the shower head.

Handheld shower - showerbarhandheld shower head or shower bar is high in flexibility for adjusting the high and the attaching location. It allow you to attach the handheld every where you want and you can slide up and down in order to adjusting the high of the shower head. This can be done by replacing your standard shower arm with the shower bar.

Shower Arm Mount
The attachment of the shower arm (where the shower head use to be) is the simplest way and one of the options that help to solve most of the problem. Even though the shower arm can’t be adjustable and it only function is to hold the shower head in place, but the advantage of this type is that it allows the user to adjust the height and position by themselves. By using the extension line allow the user to move the shower head freely. And if the user doesn’t want to hold the shower head they can placing it back to the shower arm and it will function like the standard shower arm

Height-Adjustable Shower Bar or slide up&down shower bar
The height adjustable shower bar is suit for the shower that share between several users that have the different height. Because it come with the handheld bar that can slide the shower head and extension line up and down according to the user’s height and their need. You can change the level of the shower head by releasing the locking button and slide the shower head up or down according to your want, then turn back the button to lock it. This type is suit for the entire member in the family from tall man like father till smaller one like the son.

Wall Mounted Shower
The wall fixed shower is the type that allows you to fix the shower head in every location or height that you want. For example you can fix the shower head at the low level that just above the bath tub so what you sit and relax on your tub the shower head can be use easily. And this can be install directly to your existing shower arm

(Reference : Time-saver standards for building types)

DO YOUR CHILDREN DISLIKE SHOWERS?MOST CHILDREN ARE STARTLED AND FRIGHTENED BY THE SHOWERS UNYIELDING SPRAY OF WATER THAT IS POINTED AT THEIR FACE AND EYES Why don't some children like showers? Answer: Showerhead placement is too high for our shorter children.? The Higher showerhead placement causes a considerably larger spray pattern as the water reaches the bathtub floor. The fact is the spray pattern covers nearly entire bottom of all shower stalls and bathtubs this also includes our childrens faces and heads. How does this hamper Children Safety? When smaller children take showers their heads, are directly inline with the water spray in most showers. Kids have a hard. Time keeping their heads, faces and eyes above water. Most children are startled and frightened by the showers unyielding water spray at their face and eyes? How does the Wonder Shower help you provide your children with enjoyable showers? Solution: Wonder Shower 11-inch long extension arm is fully height adjustable and safe for children. Wonder Shower allows you to easily: Lower the 3.5-inch showerhead a full 11-inches.? Most Customers have discovered their child now has plenty of room to step back and away from showers spray. Position the flow of water STRAIGHT DOWN and not pointing STRAIGHT out directly into a childs face and eyes. Proven Safety Results are children love to take showers when they simply and safely can step back and away from the water pouring down. Proven Results: Discover Saving Money on your water bill when children take showers and not baths. Showers & Children Safety: Children taken showers require 100% adult supervision and are usually safer for Childrens Safety over baths. Baths and Children Safety: When Children take baths it requires 100% supervision when Children are in bathtubs bathing in 3 to 8-inches of bath water surrounding their body. Requires without a doubt 100% qualified adult supervision at all times. Not even for one little instant can the supervising adult be distracted away from a child taken a bath in 3 to 8-inches of water Showers are generally safer for children instead of the 8-inch water depth in bathtubs Important Children Safety Rules: An unsupervised child in the shower or the bathtub is very dangerous and can be the cause of harmful accidents concerning children. Qualified adult supervision and total awareness for the childs safety throughout all baths and showers is required. Parents should at all times supply children a secure environment for baths and or showers.

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